The paintings from this collection are graphic designs that contain an unconscious archetype.
Each work has its own energy and definitely affects the subconscious of a person.
The effect is achieved through a combination of regular geometric shapes and a certain color scheme.
The method is based on sacred geometry, Hindu and Buddhist teachings.
Used to harmonize space and meditation.
In Yan power / Символизирует гармонию и баланс / Symbolizes harmony and balance 1x1m Acrilic on canvas / UV lighting
Tripura Yantra. Придает силу / Gives power. 1x1m Acrilic on canvas / Uv lighting
Vimana Yantra. Дарует успех в жизни / Gives success in life 1x1m Acrilic on canvas / UV lighting
Green Tara Yantra. Успокаивает / Calm 1x1m Acrilic on canvas / Uv lighting
Spring Mandala / Симвозирует пробуждение природы весной / Symbolizes the awakening of nature in spring 1x1m Acriic on canvas
Shiva Yantra. Дает силу ума / Gives the power of the mind 1x1m Acrilic on canvas.
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150x250cm Acrilic on canvas / UV lighting
Laksmi Yantra
Наполняет жизнь богатством / Fills life with wealth. 1x1m Acrilic on canvas / UV lighting
Kali Yantra. Разрушает ложные привязанности / Destroys false feelings 1x1m Acrilic on canvas / UV lighting
The Power of In Yan
Ganesha Yantara. Дарует успех / Gives success. 1x1m Acrilic on canvas / UV lighting
Fire Mandala / Manipura chakra
/ Символизирует энергию солнца / Symbolizes the energy of the sun 1x1m Acrilic on canvas
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150x250cm Acrilic on canvas / UV lighting
Durga Yantra. Ведет к очищению разума / Leads to cleansing the mind 1x1m Acrilic on canvas / UV lighting
Chinamasta Yantra. Дает понять предназначение / It makes clear the purpose. 1x1m Acrilic on canvas / UV lighting
Bhuvaneshvari Yantra. Помогает достичь пробуждения / Helps to achieve awakening. 1x1m Acrilic on canvas. For sale original and available print on canvas
Чакры человека / Chakras / 50x100cm Acrilic on canvas / Digital drawing upgrade